We inform once again that the Lithuanian Religious Society of Krishna Consciousness (hereinafter referred to as Lithuanian ISKCON) officially disassociates itself from the activities of Aurelijus Piešinas (Ananda Caitanya das, formerly Bhakti Svarupa Caitanya Swami).

We emphasize that due to disregard for the order of the community, violations of spiritual and human norms, Aurelius Piešinas has been stripped of his sannyasi (renounced monk) status and previous spiritual name. He is also prohibited from conducting kirtans, giving lectures, engaging in preaching or organizational activities in ISKCON temples, centers, programs or other ISKCON projects. He is also prohibited from attending and participating in ISKCON programs while wearing sannyasi robes.
We warn that Aurelius Piešinas is inclined to ignore these prohibitions and continues to illegally present himself under his previous name demonstrating sannyasi status, illegally wears saffron sannyasi robes, and engages in other aforementioned activities, as well as collecting donations, thus misleading people in Lithuania and abroad.
Please share this information with people who may be interested.
If you have any questions, please contact the Lithuanian ISKCON administration, using the contacts on the website www.iskcon.lt.
The official disassociation was announced on October 1, 2022.
First public announcement with explanations here: https://iskcon.lt/lithuanian-iskcon-decision-on-dissociation-from-ananda-caitanya-das-aurelius-piesinas/
Original in Lithuanian language: https://iskcon.lt/lietuvos-iskcon-sprendimas-del-atsiribojimo-nuo-ananda-caitanya-das-aurelijaus-piesino/
Lithuanian ISKCON Administration, October 2, 2024